nature transforms through experience, practice, and talents

The enormity of this entry is understandably lost for the fresh reader. Starting as a long term experiment in recording our transitioning times, in what I categorized as publishing. The distribution of books, magazines, encyclopedias, and pamphlets, booklets and cards constituted how our knowledge was organized. Usually libraries and private libraries were the place to learn or read up on a new topic. The TV had taken a role in our homes and lives, and we took for granted we could see things from far away on our globe.
Still travel takes effort over a great distances, as the duration exacts suffering over time. This website started in March of 1995. Much has transpired Examining snapshots of the website over time, I see time flows inexorably, softly kissing us asleep, rocking us in entropy’s arms. Suddenly shuddering awake, it occurs this is a lucid dream. Where what is written is what I am already thinking . Nevermind. Twenty-seven years ago I used this and other websites as my new means of information sharing, communication opportunities, PR, and creating a sense of a global nerd community. Many other implications played out. Global citizens were getting established and validated via digital citizenship. Real life plots, similar to a plot within The Cryptonomicon, played out. These evolved and were known like Liebnitzean monads or holograms, each unit holding a seed and the essence of the whole. Upon examination each is a jeweled hologram as fractal mirror reflecting others in infinite regress. So here goes coming online more.